
Archive for August 13th, 2013

The squirrel cage in the swamp cooler stopped spinning yesterday in the middle of dishes, laundry, and baking bread {no, not changing my name to Martha anytime soon} I went outside and peeked and the belt will need to be replaced but should be okay until next year. I wiggled this that and the other thing and gave up. Mount Washmore really needs to be dealt with before back to school after all. 

I call Terry today to see if I can work a trade for tomatoes, squash, peppers and a loaf of homemade bread {I was prepared to go up with homemade strawberry jam if need be but don’t tell} for a brother-do list. He gives me some things to check when I get home and *poof* it turned on immediately. 
I don’t know what I did that worked but there are some times that it feels a little like Superwoman with my brothers, parents, friends and neighbors picking up  many of the pieces I let drop {flat tire coming home from girl’s camp anyone?} but tackling a “man project” is empowering. Replacing the broken windows, fixing plumbing, hauling heavy stuff {okay, I’ve called for help more often with heavy stuff lately} all make me feel like I can do anything!  Who needs guys anyways?!?
Then I realize I don’t have anyone to share my excitement with and I do. Need isn’t the word I’d choose, but not being alone could definitely enhance life. Ahh, the social life of a single parent in small town Utah. 
Its time for bed, I am being floated to the nursery tomorrow and am both nervous and excited about stretching my nursing wings a little further tomorrow. 
‘Night everyone, from your friendly {lucky} swamp cooler repair woman aka Heather

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